Welcome - We're Glad You're Here!

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Join The Hello Intention Community!

Join our mailing list where you are kept up to date on all things happening! You'll also have access to life tips and tools, events, and more that we will share.

We're very excited to have you as part of the community!

    Meet Shivon Massenburg!
    Meet Shivon Massenburg! ~~ Change Expert, Licensed Therapist, Life Strategist, Speaker

    Hi! I'm Shivon and I'm glad to welcome you to the community! As a change expert and licensed therapist I help you achieve Breakthrough Clarity & Actively Create the life you Desire without asking others for permission!

    The Podcast

    Hello Intention Podcast is a safe space where we chat about all things reality, wellness, mental health, and the intention that it all requires. You can listen here or wherever you catch your favorite podcasts:

    Listen Here (Apple)
    Listen Here (Google)

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